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Cranial Laser Reflex Technique
Introduction to CLRT Virtual Training (2:27)
Safety Measures (2:05)
Selecting a Low-Level Laser (4:30)
Identifying Cranial Landmarks (2:11)
How to Perform CLRT (17:52)
Supplemental Technique: AcuPENcture (3:22)
Supplemental Technique: Hair Tug (3:49)
Head and Neck: Breakdown and CRPs
Neck Flexors (1:55)
Sternocleidomastoid (1:41)
Upper Trapezius (1:58)
Temporomandibular Joint (1:55)
Neck Extensors (1:49)
Levator Scapulae (2:00)
Occipitalis/Internal Occiput (1:58)
Internal Sphenoid Point (1:04)
Cervical Spine (1:41)
Upper Extremity: Breakdown and CRPs
Deltoid (1:59)
Biceps Brachii (1:44)
Triceps Brachii (1:34)
Brachioradialis/Forearm (1:30)
Upper Back: Breakdown and CRPs
Teres Major (1:32)
Subscapularis (2:11)
Teres Minor/Infraspinatus (1:38)
Supraspinatus (1:39)
Rhomboids (1:35)
Pectoralis Major (1:40)
Pectoralis Minor (1:54)
Serratus Anterior (1:35)
Mid/Lower Trapezius (2:05)
Latissimus Dorsi (1:47)
Ribs (1:25)
Thoracic Spine (1:31)
Lower Back: Breakdown and CRPs
Quadratus Lumborum (2:03)
Piriformis (1:46)
Gluteus Maximus (1:56)
Gluteus Medius/Minimus (1:53)
Iliopsoas (2:15)
Rectus Abdominis (1:44)
Transverse Abdominis (1:43)
Sacro-Iliac Joints (2:07)
Sacrum and Coccyx (1:15)
Lumbar Spine (1:33)
Lower Extremity: Breakdown and CRPs
Quadriceps (1:49)
Hamstrings (1:49)
Anterior Leg Muscles (1:56)
Adductors (1:37)
Gracilis/Sartorius (1:56)
Tensor Fascia Lata (2:03)
Popliteus (1:39)
Gastrocnemius (1:51)
Soleus (1:51)
CLRT in Practice: Case Studies
Hugh - Elbow Rotation Pain (20:08)
Donna - Upper & Lower Crash Course (37:30)
Rob - A Drummer's Maladies (24:59)
Bill - The Neck-Shoulder Connection (15:55)
Parker - Abdominal and Low Back Pain (19:06)
Sheelah - Sciatica & Low Back Pain (14:30)
Avery - Pediatric Knee Case (8:14)
Jamie - Pelvic Pain Post-Pregnancy (24:38)
Danny - Chronic Shoulder Case (18:50)
Jacob - Elbow Protocol (14:13)
Shehzad - Chronic Extreme Knee Pain (22:04)
Jacob - Elbow Protocol
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